To obtain the Baccalaureate, B. Th. Degree every student is required to write a Paper according to the demands of scientific methodology, under the direction of a Professor. The topic of this Paper should be sufficiently general and wide so that a comprehensive scriptural and theological presentation is possible. It is not the scope of this paper to study in depth any particular problem whether scriptural, theological, canonical or missiological.
Students eligible to write B.Th. Paper should not select topics (themes) already researched on by other students in the past three years.
The topic chosen for the Paper, along with the schema and a short bibliography, approved by the Moderator, should be submitted to the office of the Director on or before the date specified in the College Handbook & Calendar.
The length of the Paper should be about 10,000 words (i.e., about 40 – 45 computerized pages).
All students should strictly use throughout the Paper the standard methodology approved and followed in the College.
A copy of the final text of the Paper is to be submitted to the Office of the Director on or before the date indicated in the College Handbook & Calendar.
Along with the hard copies of the final text the soft copy of the Paper in a pen-drive or CD is also to be submitted to the Office of the Director.