The College has a Publication Department called Oriens Publications. It brings out regularly books and monographs relevant to theological formation and pastoral ministry in Northeast India. The College also publishes a theological journal called Oriens Journal for Contextual Theology which appears annually. The College, on behalf of the Diocesan Priests of the Region, also edits and publishes The Diocesan Priest, a bi-annual, primarily for contextual and pastoral reflection.
Some Publications from Oriens
- Publication from OTC in the Academic year 2021-2022
- Chinliankhup, Stanislaus and Samuel Kapani, eds., The Spiritual Dimension of Pastoral Ministry (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2019), pp. 297 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Take and Eat: Biblical Impulses for Catechesis (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2021), pp.192.
- Manjaly, Thomas, Journeying with Jesus to Calvary: Scripture-based Stations of the Cross (Shillong: Oriens Publication, 2020) pp. 72.
- Manjaly, Thomas, Discipleship Leadership and Community Building: Collected New Testament Essays (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 176 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Journeying with Jesus to Calvary: Scripture-based Stations of the Cross (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 72.
- Manjaly, Thomas, A Bibliography for the Study of Sacred Scripture (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 1998), pp. 40 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, How to Pray the Bible (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 1998), pp. 40 (PB).
- Manjaly,Thomas, The Gospel According to St. Mark: Study Guidelines (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 1999), pp. 132 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Peter Haokip and James Thoppil, eds., Towards Building up the Local Church: Priestly Ministry for 21st Century (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2004), pp. 352 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Kuriakose Poovathumkudy and Peter Haokip, eds., In the Service of Mission: Studies in Honour of Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2006), pp. 375 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, ed., Encountering the Word of God: A Transformative Reading of the Bible (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2009), pp. 72 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, ed., Year of St. Paul: Reflections on Paul (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2008), pp. 72 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Graviour Augustine and Tomy Palely, eds., Challenges of Faith Formation in North-East India (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2009), pp. 287 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Handbook for Biblical Studies (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2011), pp. 80 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Journeying with the Word (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2013), pp. 104 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, The Word of Life: Reflections on the Gospel according to John (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2015), pp. 231 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Handbook for Biblical Studies (Revised and Expanded), (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2015), pp. 87 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Sacred Scripture (Revised and Expanded), (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2016), pp. 55 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2019), pp. 112 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture (Shillong: Oriens Publications,2020), pp. 272 (PB).
- Manjaly, Thomas, Spiritually Alive and Pastorally Effective: Reflections in the Golden Year (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 176 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, The Missionary Movement of the 19th and 20th Centuries and its Encounter with India (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995), pp. 305 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, ed., Biblical Themes for a Contextual Theology Today: Collected Writings of George M. Soares-Prabhu, S.J., Vol 1 (Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth Theology Series, 1999), pp. 282 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, Christianity Through the Centuries (Mumbai: St. Pauls, 2005), pp. 146 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, Consecrated Life Through Two Millennia (Mumbai: Pauline Publicatioins, 2008), pp. 188 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, Challenges to Religion, Church and Society (Mumbai: St. Pauls, 2008), pp. 213 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac, Thomas Manjaly and Tomy Palely, eds., Becoming Witnesses to the Gospel: The Call to New Evangelization (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2013), pp. 408 (PB).
- Padinjarekuttu, Isaac and Teiborlang Lyngdoh, eds., Catholic Church in Transition: The Impact of Vatican II on the Church in Northeast India (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2016), pp. 416 (PB).
- Padinjarekattu, Isaac and R.R. Graviour Augustine, eds., Revisioning Pastoral Care (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2017), pp. 592 (PB).
- Padinjarekattu, Isaac, Witnessing to the Faith: A Journey Through the First Millennium (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 352 (PB).
- Paley, Tomy, S. Joe Francis and Thomas Manjaly, eds., Looking Forward with Hope: Reflections on Priestly Ministry (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2011), pp. 246 (PB).
- Paley, Tomy and Thomas Manjaly, eds., Theological Education for Transformative Ministry (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2011), pp. 246 (PB).
- Paley, Tomy, Methodology for Writing Footnote/Endnote & Bibliography (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2013), pp. 32 (PB).
- Poothumkudy, Kuriakose and Thomas Manjaly, eds., Dynamics of Human Formation: A Cultural Perspective (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2007), pp. 223 (PB).
- Poovathumkudy, Kuriakose and Thomas Manjaly, eds., Trends in Pastoral Ministry: Prospects and Possibilities (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2007), pp. 223 (PB).
- Poovathumkudy, Kuriakose, Thomas Manjaly and Tomy Palely, eds., Transformative Pastoral Leadership (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2012), pp. 247 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, The Morung and Other Stories (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2010), pp. 92 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, The Passionate Flower: Poems on St. Alphonsa (Dimapur: Pastoral Center, 2012), pp. 16 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Ausgustine, Sharing the Gospel: Evangelizing Catechesis in Northeast India, 1962-1990 (Shillong: Vendrame Institute Publication, 2016), pp. 491 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, II Morung e Altre Storie (Italian) (Shillong: DBCIC Publication, 2016), pp. 104 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, Mercy Catechism (Guwahati: Bhabani Offset and Imaging Pvt. Ltd., 2017), pp. 128 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, Corporeal and Spiritual Acts of Mercy (Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 2017), pp. 128 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, ed., Living Faith (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2018), pp. 188 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, Ka Morung Bad Kiwei Pat Ki Jingiathuh Khana (Khasi) (Shillong: Don Bosco Publications, 2019), pp. 120 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, The Living Word, Cycle A (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 207 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, The Silent Word, Cycle B (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 205 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, The Healing Word, Cycle C (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2020), pp. 206 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine and Kuriakose Poovathumkudy, eds., Belonging to Christ and the Church: A Festschrift in Honour of Fr. Thomas Manjaly (2020), pp. 557 (HB).
- R.R. Gaviour Augustine, Diamond from the Desert: Poems on Saint Augustine (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2021), pp. 32 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, ed., Methodology Basics (Shillong: Oriens Publications, 2021), pp. 50 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, Hornbill and Other Stories (Shillong: DBCIC Publications, 2022), pp. 204 (PB).
- R.R. Graviour Augustine, Blood and Blessing (Miao, Bishop’s House, 2023), pp. 68 (PB).
For copies of these publications please contact:
Oriens Publications
Shillong – 793008
Meghalaya, India